The building blocks of a diverse workforce

A diverse, inclusive workforce is not only good for our business, it’s simply the right thing to do.

Securing talent

We recruit top talent by attending various conferences for diverse professionals. We’ve also established a digital strategy, including targeting tech talent groups (like Girls Who Code), to attract potential employees through social media channels.


Do you want to live in different parts of the world, explore different interests over the course of your career and be exposed to new cultures? Chart your career journey at Experian, and all that’s possible.


We’re committed to your growth. Many of our teammates move throughout the company, whether shifting to a new career path or making lateral or upward moves. At Experian, you’ll have access to leaders, mentoring, coaching and a best-in-class learning curriculum.

44% women

Women make up 44% of our global workforce

Five generations

We have five generations represented in our employee population

99 nationalities

Globally, there are 99 nationalities represented in our workforce

Constructing the pipeline for diverse talent

We don’t accept excuses when it comes to finding diverse talent. Instead, we’re expanding our pools of potential hires through unique recruitment platforms and partnerships with more diverse organizations to make new connections and cast a wider net to find talented individuals from all backgrounds, including:

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National Urban League Conference

Experian® initiated a partnership with the National Urban League (NUL) in 2021 as a lead sponsor for their first virtual conference, and again for their in-person conference in 2022. We staffed their Career Fair booth and Expo booth to meet conference members and share education and advocacy material on consumer and small business credit. Our relationship with NUL continues to evolve as we partner with them on our talent and financial education work.

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Grace Hopper Celebration

Experian is committed to close the wealth gap in data careers. Since 2018, Experian has identified great talent through our attendance at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, an event that attracts participants worldwide. We’re also a Gold Sponsor of Women in Data, a global nonprofit with the same commitment to women in tech.

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NAAAP leadership

Experian leaders have held board membership positions and had first-hand responsibility in shaping and driving NAAAP’s vision. Our sponsorship and active participation strongly support NAAAP’s mission to cultivate and empower Asian & Pacific Islander leaders through leadership development, professional networking and community service.

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LatinX IncluXion Summit

As a key sponsor for the 2021 LatinX IncluXion Summit, we proudly hosted the Career and Small Business Power Hour. During this first-ever DEI summit focused on workforce, workplace and marketplace, Experian Hispanic-Latino leaders led roundtable discussions focused on career opportunities, career development and small business best practices. Our partnership with UnidosUS continues to this day.

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Out & Equal Workplace Summit

Experian partners with Out & Equal for their Workplace Summit — the world’s largest LGBTQ+ focused conference. More than 5,000 executives, employee resource group members, HR employees and diversity leaders convene at this annual event. Our partnership with Out & Equal continues to evolve as we begin new endeavors together focused on financial inclusion and talent development of our LGBTQ+ community.

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AfroTech World

Experian’s commitment to building a strong Black tech community is furthered by our partnership with AfroTech. Since 2019, Experian has prioritized attendance at AfroTech World, one of the largest U.S. multicultural tech conferences that brings together a wealth of cross-industry talent to exchange ideas while empowering Black engineers and technologists.

Bring your whole self to Experian

Our uniqueness is that we value yours.

Share your talents with us

Calling all authentic individuals who believe in financial inclusion for all.

Explore life at Experian

Our people are what make us great. We aim to win, but win together while having fun while we do it.

Learn about our early careers

Our Early Career Program is designed to give new professionals the chance to be at the heart of our business.

Power of YOU

Follow our diversity, equity and inclusion journey and progress

Power of YOU

Acompáñanos en nuestro viaje de diversidad, equidad e inclusión

Power of YOU

Siga nossa jornada de diversidade, equidade e inclusão

Experian DEI

DEI Commitments

Experian DEI

Our Impact

Experian DEI

Our People

Experian Careers

Experian Careers