vehicle registrations

Get a revolutionary new look into your market.

Driving profit, volume and share in today’s automotive climate requires large enterprises to look at current challenges in new ways. We created Velocity℠ to help you transform complex market data into actionable insights and action plans to view your market with greater insight.

Velocity leverages a highly intuitive dashboard that provides you with a snapshot of what happened through key performance indicators specific to your business. By connecting our data to yours, you receive powerful insights and embedded analytics to help you discover why variances occurred and take the action you need.

Speed of data matters

Our data is loaded faster to make sure you have easy access to the latest knowledge.  Velocity allows yout to measure the life cycle of your brand, Whether you need to replenish stock, idenfy what vehicles are selling and where, or comprehend how the market is reacting. Velocity helps you quickly evaluate market conditions to make the best business decisions. 

Velocity Vehicle Market Solutions

Velocity Market

Velocity Market provides highly accurate, timely, and tangible data insights enabling you to clearly understand new and used automotive sales by territory, competitive position, and trends.      

  • Quickly understand dealer partners’ loan and lease activity with other lenders by territory
  • View the largest volume dealers in key geographic areas. Who are they doing business with?
  • Enable my reps to see how dealer partners are trending and where there are opportunities for growth
  • Protect my market share with timely sales reporting

Velocity Risk

Velocity Risk helps you power portfolio growth, manage risk and retain profitable business by providing the most timely and accurate market intelligence to identify automotive market share, finance, and competitive trends. 

  • Understand my market share position for financing new and used vehicles in relation to my competitors in key geographies
  • See how my competitors are pricing loan and lease packages by Risk tier
  • View LTV averages and trends for the credit segments where I do business
  • Spot geographic auto finance trends to determine expansion plans


Velocity Performance

Velocity Performance enables you to understand loan outcomes over time. It delivers comprehensive Automotive loan and lease performance details across multiple metrics and dimensions to help you better understand automotive origination risk.

  • Analyze performance outcomes (financing status current or derogatory) by finance type, vehicles, and dealers
  • Evaluate the performance of your dealer network
  • Compare the performance of your lending strategies with the overall market
  • Identify differences between good and bad lending decisions and outcomes

Velocity Refinance

Velocity Refinance enables you to track Auto Refinance trends in your market. Uncover the customer signals driving demand for you and your competitors.

  • Analyze key market dynamics influencing auto refinancing activity.
  • Examine critical factors such as term changes, rate adjustments, monthly payment differences, credit score shifts, and average months to refinance.
  • Identify competitive lenders participating in refinance deals—distinguish between original lienholders, refinance lienholders, and lender types.

The power of Experian data

Get a new sphere of insights with Experian’s vehicle, consumer, online and credit data to ignite a more unified approach to data-driven intelligence. Using our vast in-house data resources, we can link our data to yours so you can transform unprecedented insights into more powerful actions.