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Gain a deeper view of credit behavior by neighborhood

Leveraging aggregated credit attributes and proprietary scores, Premier Aggregated Credit StatisticsSM reveals granular ZIP Code™-level credit insights.* Access to this deep repository of information allows organizations to identify geographic trends and develop models to make more informed, targeted decisions. 

*Experian is a nonexclusive full-service provider licensee of the United States Postal Service®. The following trademark is owned by the United States Postal Service®: ZIP Code. The price for Experian’s services is not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service. 

Optimize your credit marketing strategies

Target with precision

Identify geographical trends in improving consumer activity to target more precisely and profitably. 

Coast-to-coast data

Leverage our File One™ database with information on over 245 million credit-active consumers.

Industry-leading scores and attributes

Add predictive power to your models with access to select proprietary scores and Premier AttributesSM

Gain neighborhood-level consumer credit insights to make more accurate predictions

Learn more about Premier Aggregated Credit Statistics

Product benefits

  • Provides a dataset of a series of select Premier Attributes and Experian proprietary scores that represent the U.S. consumer population. 
  • Characterizes a neighborhood’s general consumer credit activity by summarizing individual-level credit attributes at ZIP Code, ZIP+2 and ZIP+4 levels. 
  • Enhances data elements such as macroeconomic or demographic data to create a more holistic view of each unique market. 
Let's talk

Ready to target more precisely and profitably?

To learn more about our solutions, please fill out the form below.

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