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Expand your lending universe

The UltraFICO™ Score adds bank transaction data (checking, savings or money market account data) with consumer consent to recalibrate an existing FICO® Score.* This helps lenders broaden access to credit for the underbanked, make better decisions for consumers who are near score cutoffs, or, in the case of an unscoreable consumer, generate an UltraFICO Score. 

Through real-time financial data aggregation, lenders can take a customer-centric approach to safely serving consumers. Many consumers are still locked out of mainstream credit, including millions of Americans who have sub-prime scores (680 or below) or do not have enough data on record for a FICO® Score to be generated. 

*FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation.

Expand first- and second-chance credit opportunities


The UltraFICO™ Score is a more comprehensive understanding of the consumer’s financial profile, designed to reflect the same odds-to-score relationship and framework.


Attract the underbanked — the self-employed, millennials and Gen Z, migrant savers, and remitters — and expand your lending base. Make responsible credit offers to previously invisible consumers. 


Provide consumers with compliant reason codes reflecting the deposit account data used for score calculation — just like any other FICO® Score. 

7 out of 10 U.S. consumers who exhibit responsible financial behavior in their checking and savings accounts could improve their score with an UltraFICO™ Score.

Be first in line

The UltraFICO™ Score will initially be available through a small group of lenders as part of a limited pilot phase for consumers who can’t currently access credit or, in certain cases, could be eligible for better terms. 

This initial pilot phase is designed for fine-tuning the deployment of the score. As we complete the pilot phase, the UltraFICO™ Score will be more broadly available. 

If you’re interested in participating in this pilot or learning more, please contact us to receive news and updates on availability. 

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