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Gain deeper insights into consumer behavior

While traditional credit attributes provide valuable information on a consumer at a given point in time, Trended 3D™ attributes analyze a consumer’s behavior over time. With more than 2,000 attributes across dozens of industries, Trended 3D attributes unlock insight into consumer credit patterns that help you better manage portfolio risk and determine next best actions.

Enhance your decisioning across the customer life cycle

Reveal patterns

Get a more accurate view of consumer behavior by measuring the rate of change over time.

Improve customer experience

Increase customer loyalty by applying the best treatment at the right time based on each individual’s specific needs.

Build better models

Improve predictive performance of custom models by understanding the trajectory of a consumer’s spending and payment patterns.



Make more strategic and data-driven decisions

Lift the predictive performance of your risk and credit recovery models with Trended 3D attributes.


Gain the in-depth expertise you need to accurately interpret trended data

Learn how Trended 3D attributes can help you optimize all your decisioning strategies

Deeper insights for better decisioning

From attribute development to governance, we offer attribute solutions that can be tailored to meet your organization’s unique needs.

Co workers discussing ideas

Intellectual property license for credit attributes

Get a head start on your analytics projects and custom model development with an intellectual property license for credit attributes. With an intellectual property license for credit attributes, you can unlock the logic behind some of the most advanced and comprehensive credit attributes in the industry along with our decades of expertise in attribute development. We offer flexible, tiered intellectual property license options for our Premier AttributesSM and Trended 3D attributes, so you can access the select attributes you need — when and how you need them. 

business woman looking out a window while taking a break

Credit Attributes Tracker™

Track credit attribute performance and stability over time for better risk management. Credit Attributes Tracker™ is a comprehensive attribute governance solution for organizations using our Premier Attributes and Trended 3D attributes. It enables you to understand changes in attribute performance and consumer credit behavior; evaluate new attributes for decisioning across all stages of the product lifecycle; prepare governance and compliance documentation for regulators; and gain insights into economic, data, and bureau updates that impact attribute performance and your decisioning strategies.

Trended 3D attributes can help you

  • Reduce risk in your portfolio by identifying consumers with early-warning indicators. 
  • Understand credit line usage for improved offer refinement.  
  • Identify a prospect’s propensity to transfer balances and consolidate loans.
  • Enhance segmentation strategies and fine-tune decisions for consumers who fall near your score cutoffs.   
  • Ensure compliance while proactively managing credit lines. 
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Ready to unlock the power of trended data?

To learn more about our solutions, please fill out the form below.

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